the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.
HOME [hohm]
1. a house or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
2. the place where one lives.
No matter how supportive or loving parents and siblings may be, being at home isn’t easy for many trans and nonbinary kids. Even in the most supportive households, young trans and nonbinary people deal with intense levels of stress and anxiety at far higher rates than their peers. Home is more than just a household, it’s the community that surrounds you. To feel unwelcome, out of place, and constantly judged is a relentless burden. According to a comprehensive survey by the Human Rights Campaign, only 27% of LGBTQ youth can “definitely” be themselves in school as an LGBTQ person, and 40% of transgender youth report feeling depressed most or all of the time. They are more than twice as likely to feel suicidal and four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers.
1. a safe space to express your authentic self.
2. a community filled with love and inspiration.
3. a consistent experience that can provide much needed stability year after year.
Summer Camp can be a defining experience for young trans and nonbinary people. The opportunity to join with like minds and hearts is inspiring. The chance to forget about “being different,” to turn down the noise, find peace, and unburden one’s self – even just for a few weeks – can be life changing. Because we can’t always choose our Home, we need an opportunity to choose our Summer Home.
The Renegade Fund is proud to offer tuition scholarships to attend summer camp at the Interlochen Center for the Arts. With programs across a diverse mix of arts disciplines, campers at Interlochen have the opportunity to explore their artistic possibility or hone their expertise in a uniquely supportive and affirming environment. If you are a high school student between 9th and 12th grade who identifies as trans or nonbinary you are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Once awarded, you’re given priority selection for every year you wish to continue attending Interlochen.
To learn more about the various summer programs at Interlochen, and to apply for a Renegade Fund Scholarship, please visit
For questions on how to become a Renegade Scholar, please feel free to
contact us here!